52 pages · Format: 23 x 32.5 cm · four-colors throughout · hard cover · thread stitching · 700 grams · 90 photos · Catalog No: 572-19

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In the paradise of “Zahre”:
Peter Soave Music Academy in Sauris, Italy
1. An American in France: Peter Soave
2. “Life Is Connections”
3. In the heart of the Italian Dolomites: Sauris di Sotto
4. Summer Academy: learning – listening – performing
5. Multi-faceted images presenting a vivid kaleidoscope of the event

On the Picturesque Beaches of the Baltic Riviera:
International Accordion Festival and Seminar in Palanga, Lithuania
1. Ricardas and Raimondas Sviackevicius
2. Palanga – Lithuania – Europe
3. International Accordion Festival and Seminar
4. Multi-faceted images presenting a vivid kaleidoscope of the event

Celebrated Media Stars “Made in” the Baltics:
Martynas Levickis and Ksenija Sidorova
Only €22.50 or the US$ equivalent plus postage.
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