Tango Waltz Jazz

New compositions in modern rhythms
and with stylish accompanying harmonies

56 Pages · Format: 23 x 30.5 cm · ISBN 978-3-925572-18-0 ·
ISMN 979-0-2022-1066-6 Dual language book in German and English.

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The supplementary book to the author’s bestseller
instruction book Accordion Jazz Chords

Back Cover
- 12 imaginative compositions – tangos, waltzes and jazz pieces – for accordion solo for beginners as well as advanced players, button and piano keyboard players.

- With detailed text descriptions and instructive explanations for playing the compositions musically and realizing them technically.

Attunement (Preface)
Jazz chords and stylish accompanying harmonies on the stradella accordion.

Preliminary remarks
   About the titles
   Authentic interpretation
   The “open” notation
   Bass and chord notation
   Tieing, connecting or detaching

Chord Table

Music pieces
Chamäleon (Tango) · Mosquito-Matador (Tango) · Killewittchen (Waltz) Lilith (Waltz) · Amber (Waltz) · Lolles Kater (Waltz) · Traumschaf (Waltz) Instant Fun Fair (Jazz) · Novellisk (Jazz) · Luminesc (Jazz) Luciella (Waltz) · SpontiWak (Waltz)

Final remarks
   Use of “courtesy accidentals”
   Proposal for an alternative key signature
   “SpontiWak” in altered key

Attunement (Preface)
Jazz chords and stylish accompanying harmonies on the stradella bass accordion

Whoever has thought that one can play music on the traditional accordion only with the well-known accompaniment of major, minor and seventh chords will be taught a better application in these pieces of music.

Author Norbert Seidel has shown in an amazingly simple way in his groundbreaking textbook “Accordion Jazz Chords – Free Improvising on the Stradella Bass Accordion” how to go beyond the determined bass and chord mechanism to completely new, occasionally marvellous, exotic sounding chords to play jazz and other music masterfully or simply improvise to one’s heart’s content.What began in the instruction book is continued and expanded in this music book: jazz and entertainment music with “colorful” bass accompaniment across the world of harmonies, far beyond the usual major-minor structure, astonishingly easy to achieve with almost all accordions available on the market having 48 basses and more.

At first glance, in fact, the stradella (also called standard) bass accordion can produce only major, minor and seventh chords on its left side. However, if you follow Norbert Seidel, then with these chords one will advance into the colorful soundscapes created and performed impressively by such leading masters of jazz and sophisticated entertainment music as Hubert Deuringer, Richard Galliano, Frank Marocco, Johnny Meijer or Art van Damme, to name just a few.

How does the bass side of the accordion function technically and what can be developed harmoniously from it? These are the key questions that Norbert Seidel has dealt with intensively. They have caused him to write the mentioned instruction book and the music pieces in this publication.

Beginning and advanced piano and button keyboard players alike will get their money’s worth. Although it takes some time at the beginning to abandon deep-rooted behaviors of playing the standard bass, it’s worthwhile. Those who wish to learn these new ways from the ground up should read first the instruction book “Accordion Jazz Chords”. Whoever has the confidence to desist from that tutorial and wants to conquer new sound worlds with their chords, notations and fingering techniques as a career change is exactly right here.

Back cover text:

Tangos, waltzes and jazz pieces with exceptional accompanying harmonies and left-hand (!) chords that go far beyond the traditional sound harmonics of the standard bass accordion with its “fixed” major, minor and seventh chords.

In his compositions, Norbert Seidel shows in an astonishingly simple way how to achieve a completely new, colorful, sometimes wonderfully exotic-sounding accordion playing style, which makes it possible to play jazz and other music masterfully or, later on, to improvise to one’s heart’s content.

Following his groundbreaking instruction book “Accordion Jazz Chords,” in which he describes his playing method in detail, he offers with the music pieces in this book more works for playing practice. The compositions are presented varied in their musical style, different in their technical requirements, impressive and broad in the sound range.

They are playable even on small instruments from 48 basses, causing unexpected “free” sounds in our accordion’s repertoire to be performed by beginners as well as advanced piano and button keyboard players.

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