catalog jiahe01eT
Title: Winter Bilder - Accordion Music - Album
Zhang Jiahe album cover Catalog: jiahe01eT

€9.00 Buy Album

Individual eTracks

Name (Click for Sound Sample) Composer Time Buy/Price
1. Prelude and Fugue in D major BWV850 J.S.Bach 03:17 €0,90
2. Sonata in B flat major K.551 D.Scarlatti 04:00 €0,90
3. aus "Divertissement" Serenade Wolfgang Jacobi 03:57 €0,90
4. Without a title Poul Rovsing Olsen 04:26 €0,90
5. Partita A.Kusyakov 09:38 €1,25
6. Capriccio No.5 N. Paganini 03:07 €0,90
7. In the Zoo
The Ostrich - The Elephant - The Sea-lion - Tea with Cockatoos - The Dromedary - Monkeys
Bentzon 08:08 €1,25
8. Boite a Rythme Franck. Angelis 04:25 €0,90
9. Winterbilder
Eisblumen am Fenster - Troika - Possidelki - Nordwind - Bylina - Fr u hlingsfest
A.Kusyakov 09:40 €1,25
10. Brahmsiana V.Semyonov 08:11 €1,25

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