Catalog: battiston108 - Lilliput II

Notes from the Composer: Lilliput II:
Index of 23 titles: view sample music pages
Book of 45 pages.

The passages in this volume exceed the scope of the five notes that marked the previous collection. Unlike Lilliput I, the time indications are the standard ones while the notation of the left keyboard, when necessary, sees the introduction of the bass key.

The Lilliput series is not an accordion method but a collection of small musical forms, divided into five volumes, inspired by the Mikrokosmos by Béla Bartók and composed with the following didactic intents:
  • offer musical material - to the accordionist with a single note instrument - from the very first lessons up to the thresholds of a medium level preparation (fifth year of study);

  • bring the scholar closer to most musical forms and to a heterogeneous sound world;

  • lead the young accordionist towards a gradual exploration of the instrument, through an active participation in the problems of musical interpretation;

  • increase instrumental skills through learning based on the increase in the number of sounds;

  • introduce the scholar to the orchestral dimension of the accordion, also creating compositions inspired by the characteristics of the other musical instruments.
The pieces can be played with any type of instrument provided with single notes.

Volumes II and III of Lilliput are required for the accordion admission exam in Italian music high schools (Licei musicali).

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