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Catalog of eSheet Music performed by Zevy Zions, Euro prices or US$ prices

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Zevy Zions has been playing music since he was four years old (…his mother claims he started at age three). Starting with the piano, on which he was given a year of formal piano lessons with a local teacher, he was basically self-taught. His mother loved the accordion, so she bought him a used, smaller sized instrument.

Fast forward to 2001; for eight years Zevy went for private training with the great accordionist and mentor, Charles Nunzio. Emphasis on technique, expression and overall musicianship was covered over that period of time. Zevy considers himself lucky to have studied with Mr. Nunzio, and still has a fond attachment to him.

He has also released three solo albums, "Olive Blossoms", "Dizzy Accordion" and "William Tell" and these will be on this website soon.

Zevy plays as a solo musician and also with various musical ensembles. He is the accordionist for "Klezmerfest". They have recorded two albums, "Party Music", and "Life of the Party".


Notes from the arranger/composer for each accordion piece of this large catalog of many different styles and types of accordion music by Zevy Zions:
zzions01 - Cleopha
zzions02 - Flight of the Bumble Bee
zzions03 - Flute Minuet
zzions04 - I Don't Care
zzions05 - Krakowiak
zzions06 - Le Basque
zzions07 - Malagueña
zzions08 - Mozart Menuetto
zzions09 - Alla Turca
zzions010 - Schön Rosmarin
zzions011 - Tziviele's Bulgar
zzions012 - Voi Che Sapete
zzions013 - William Tell
zzions014 - The Swan
zzions015 - Hava Nagila
zzions016 - Haydn's Serenade
zzions017 - Military Polonaise, Op. 40, No. 1
zzions018 - Säkkijärven Polka

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